Article 13417

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Abdul'zyanov Artur Rashidovich, Candidate of sociological sciences, leading researcher, the Center of Family and Demography of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan (36a Levo-Bulachnaya street, Kazan, Russia),

Index UDK





Background. The traffic system is localized in the social space, acting actors, which are the driver, pedestrian and passenger. In this article, we consider the social space in which traffic occurs. In modern conditions, the interaction on the roads is significantly complicated, the reasons for this lie in the intensification of motorization of roads, in the intensification of traffic, the complication of technical parameters of transport, etc.
Materials and methods. The theoretical and methodological analysis of the works allows us to identify a number of areas within which the analysis of the city as a social space was carried out. Having carried out a sociological survey and identified the problems associated with increasing the density of the traffic flow and the level of professional training of drivers, as well as a number of other factors, among which the low level of the transport culture of road users and the underestimation of transport systems in the urban space as a whole take an important place.
Results. There is a significant relationship between social space and the activities of the individual. Conclusions are drawn that the road safety system has its own localization in the space of the urban environment. This is due to the fact that it is in the city there is a constant increase in traffic intensity, an increase in the number of cars. It is the city that localizes the problem of the growth of road accidents, is the center of attraction of tourist and migration flows, accumulates the problem of interaction between pedestrians and drivers and the culture of their communication. With the help of a sociological study on road safety in Kazan and the Republic of Tatarstan, the degree of road safety has been identified to date, reliable information on problems in the field of road traffic has been obtained and the opinion of citizens has been studied.
Conclusions. The importance of road traffic is of high importance and, in general, the transport system in the urban space, and it is worth noting that new methodological frameworks are needed, in other words, the need for refocusing social knowledge to successfully connect the study of urban space, mobility and transport and the solution of pressing security problems road traffic.

Key words

road traffic, social space, urban space, driver, passenger, pedestrian

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Дата создания: 26.04.2018 09:11
Дата обновления: 26.04.2018 11:27